How to properly add style and script to your wp website using functions.php file ? Sometime we want to add CSS or JS to front-end of website without editing the parent theme files. like header.php or footer.php So here is...
add JS or CSS to website using functions.php file in wordpress!
Make changes in database after import to live wordpress!
Simple steps to make changes in database after import to live in wordpress or import to new domain , place, hosting. Quickly change your wordpress database from the cpanel / phpmyadmin. Here are simple code you have to edit and...
Shopify to show product created and published date!
Sometime we want to show the product publish date on product template. Here is the code to show product created and publish date on product page. 1) product.published_at :- Returns the date and time the product was published. 2) product.created_at...

Exclude particular category posts by query post in wordpress
Sometime we don't want to show the posts from the specific category so here is the code that help you to exclude that particular category posts from the posts. query_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'showposts' => 14, 'category__not_in' => 10, 'meta_query'...
How to retrieve files path dynamically from child theme wp!
From Child Theme :- Here is the way to retrieve file path like CSS , JS , Images from child theme in wordpress. <?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?> Example: <link href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/css/your-file-name.css" rel="stylesheet"> <img src="<?php echo get_template_stylesheet_uri(); ?>/images/nstplanet.jpg" alt="Nst...
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