Shopify Debut theme multi level menu issue solved without plugin !

shopify multi level

Here are the steps to add Multi sub level menu in Shopify debut theme.
** Make Sure you have the backup of the files. **
1) First of all replace code in site-nav.liquid.. download from here.


2) Here is the Custom.css file for style that.. you can add this to your theme by creating new one there in Assets section.


3) Also add “>” arrow to this properties in the file theme.scss.liquid.


debut theme multi level menu


4) Replace header.liquid file with this one.


5) Create sub menu in dashboard like..

debut theme multi level menu


5) finally you got like this..
shopify multi level

🙁 If still have issue than comment or contact with me by using contact form.


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Myself Narender Singh Thakur ( NST ) and i share my Experience/Knowledge and Tricks for folks and beginners to solve their issues while making websites through this Planet.

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