Category Archives: Wordpress


How to Replace Images Links/path in WordPress After Installing an SSL Certificate ?

Replacing Image Links/Path in WordPress After Installing an SSL Certificate..


How to get Transaction and Signature key in Authorize account ?

Steps to get Login ID and Transaction Key and Signature Key from the Authorize

(29) : The referrer-relay response or receipt link URL is invalid payment getway showing error “the referrer, relay response


How to align text to center in Revolution slider plugin ?

Here are the steps to align the revolution slider text in wordpress..


How to check database table prefix in wordpress ?

Here is how to check database table prefix in wordrpess.. Login to you hosting cPanel .. click on PhpMyAdmin


how to find your custom post type slug name ?

Here is the way to find custom post type slug name in your website…


Make changes in database after importing into new place/domain!

Here are simple code you have to edit and paste into your domain database SQL tab and then ..


How to add custom fields option to custom post type wordpress ?

How to fix if custom field option not showing in dashboard posts or pages


Pagination for custom post in wordpress

Pagination for custom post in wordpress… Add this to functions.php


PHP Update Required! how to update php version in cPanel ?

WordPress has detected that your site is running on an insecure version of PHP..

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