How to hide the Featured image on single view of posts!

Sometime we want to hide the featured image of our website posts. Mostly this featured needs for blog websites. There are many way to do this and we can hide all the single posts featured image through the CSS too.

But if you want to hide image only for some of the particular posts than its little difficult and frustrated to do through CSS again and again by using that post id.

So after the research/tested i found a simple solution to hide the posts image from the backend. i developed a plugin and through that in the editing section of the posts near the featured image a dropdown will appear to choose the “No” and “Yes” option for this. like this..

So you just select option here to “yes” if you want to hide any post. Here is the Plugin.. just download it and upload to your site than activate it after activated follow these steps..


Download Plugin

Its Done 🙂



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Myself Narender Singh Thakur ( NST ) and i share my Experience/Knowledge and Tricks for folks and beginners to solve their issues while making websites through this Planet.

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