How to properly add Google AdSense to your wp website

google adsense to wordpress website

In this article i will help you to add google adsense properly to your wordpress website.

What is Google AdSense?

Google adsense is an online advertising system run by google. It helps bloggers and website owners to earn money online by placing ads on their websites.

You can sign up on Google AdSense by using your existing gmail account. just sign up there and add the information to complete the registration.

google adSense

After complete all steps.. you will reached at dashboard.

Click on Ads

dashboard of google adsense

Click on By ad unit and then Display ads.

After that in new window… give name to your ad like sidebar ad or header or footer ad etc whatever you like and hit on Save button.

As you can check above .. you can choose the type of ads .. Square , Horizontal and Vertical as per your website layout space.

After this it will show you HTML code .. and now you can copy and add this to your wordpress pages or in dashboard widget area.

html code of ads of google adsense

Here i am going to add copied HTML code to widget area’s … you can add wherever you want to show ads.

widget are code adsense

Here is the front view of ads…


Ads will not reflect on you website immediately .. it's depend on the traffic on your website. Means how much visitor visits on your website.

I hope this will help you a lot .. if you still need help then you can contact me through chat box or contact form. 🙂

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Myself Narender Singh Thakur ( NST ) and i share my Experience/Knowledge and Tricks for folks and beginners to solve their issues while making websites through this Planet.

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