Exclude Category .. Sometime we don't want to show the posts from the particular category so here is the code you have to modify.. query_posts(array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'showposts' => 14, 'category__not_in' => 10, // category id ) ); In...
How to Exclude a category from WP_Query in WordPress !
Dynamic_sidebar() | Function | register_sidebar in WordPress !
Here is the way to add dynamic sidebar or custom widget area to your website..without using any plugin in wordpress ! <?php function nst_child_sidebar() { register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Top bar', 'nst_child' ), 'id' => 'top-bar', 'description' => __(...
Add metabox to custom post type in wordpress !
Here is the way to Add metabox to custom post type in wordpress .. 1) Add taxonomy to existing or custom post type .. 2) You can add by using this tag... "Quality" is a Name of the taxonomy...
Trim the word from the title or content in wordpress or php !
Sometime we want to show only some words from the title or content of page/posts in wordpress. In your php query you can trim title by using this function. Here i trim the words of post title to show only...
How to make owl carousel to slide smoothly ?
Here is the solution to make owl slider to slide image smoothly.. in wordpress or html scripts. To make owl slider to slide image smoothly.. just add this smartSpeed attribute to owl function.. $('#nst-video').owlCarousel({ items: 2, loop: true, margin: 10,...
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